ECAS’ vision is to become the leading multidisciplinary engineering firm in the region. And while it is still working on it, every small milestone gets the firm closer to its vision. Just recently, ECAS was named the 15th largest engineering firm in Singapore. This milestone does not come as a surprise; over the past few years, ECAS has been redesigning internal aspects to better position itself in the market and strive for growth.  What was a small engineering firm solemnly focusing on civil and structural engineering services, has now become a multidisciplinary engineering firm offering mechanical, environmental, and geotechnical services with some of the best engineers in the region.

As the firm grows internally and externally, its focus lies on innovation and productivity. ECAS is fully adopting BIM in their practices and is looking into new technologies like PPVC. With the number of consultants offering engineering services, innovating and adding services is what keeps the firm competitive.

For the next few years, ECAS is focusing in leveraging that growth to become a more active player in Singapore and the region.