ER521 Works at Slip Road from PIE to Airport Boulevard (Bridge)

  • Project Name: ER521 Works at Slip Road from PIE to Airport Boulevard (Bridge)
  • Client: LTA
  • Date of Completion: 2019
  • ECAS’ Role: Consulting Services
  • Project Value: S$18M


Contract ER521A is comprised of the widening of the existing PIE-Airport Boulevard slip road from 2-lane to 3-lane, including the design and construction of a new vehicular bridge over the existing Changi Airport Diversion canal with approach slabs, utility bridge for PUB water pipes, widened RC canal, drain and ancillary works.

The 3-span vehicular  bridge has a total  length of approx. 70m, comprising of precast prestressed T-beams with composite deck slab resting on RC Capping Beam and  supported by rows of bored piles. Bridge  deck  is cast in-situ: prestressed precast beams with composite deck  slab monolithically  connected to cast-in situ crossbeam at intermediate piers and  abutments location. The proposed bridge consists of carriageway, footpath and  flower trough. The proposed canal is cast in-situ reinforced concrete open u-drain  and  proposed drain is reinforced concrete U-drain (RCU), box-drains, culvert (RCBC) and  sump  (RCS).