The Downtown Line Stage 3 (DTL3) is the final stage of the Downtown Line MRT system which has a total of 35 stations. DTL3 consists of 16 stations spanning between River Valley station and Expo Interchange station with a total route length of about 21km.
Contracts 929A and 928 are part of DTL3 Package B which comprises of 5 stations with a tunnel length of 13km including connections to Kim Chuan Depot. The 5 MRT stations are Mattar, MacPherson, Ubi, Kaki Bukit and Bedok North.
Contract 928 comprises of the construction and completion of civil defence Bedok North station. The works include cut and cover tunnels and EPBM receiving and launching shafts at both the eastern and western ends of the station, and connecting bored tunnels between Bedok North station and Kakit Bukit stations (including a cross passage between these tunnels).
Contract 929A comprises of the construction and completion of twin bored tunnels between Ubi and Kakit Bukit stations, a single bored tunnel between Ubi station and Tai Seng Facility Building, and a single bored tunnel between Tai Seng Facility Building and Bedok North station.